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Welcome to the Social Librarian's Blog!

Hi I am Mercia Sias(Snr Librarian) at Groenheuwel Library. Groenheuwel is the smallest Library in Drakenstein Municipality, with so much potential.

Currently the Library only have one table for our Readers to sit and read newspapers or to do school projects. Our space is very limited with a membership of 2500 readers we will turn this Library into the most ideal place to be! With a qualified Librarian and Professional staff we just give our best to improve our services and empower our people in the community

Looking back from our first post in 2010 and where we are today reflects the dedication of the staff and the community of Groenheuwel. Here we are today growing from strength to strength! The Library is hosted in a modular building 6 times bigger than the original space that we had. The library have a small activity hall where lots of activities and workshops take place. We have a membership total of more than 7000 members.

Groenheuwel Library are partnering with VPUU and different other stakeholders to execute most community projects. We believe that strong partnership and collaborative projects will have a huge impact in our communities and will address the objectives most effectively, such as the reduction of crime, alleviation of poverty, elimination of illiteracy and the prevalent inequalities within our community.

Follow this space for Progress on Groenheuwel Library!

Mercia Sias

Mercia Sias
Senior Librarian: Groenheuwel Library- PAARL

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Groenheuwel Library is Moving!!!

Hello Classmates

I wish you could she me now!. Cinderella with the duster in the hand, "cleaning the ashes". We are moving to a new site. Where the Community will have access to at least more than one table and two chairs.

We are all very excited. The community can't wait to use the new library, although a Prefab" it will be very nice equipped with all standard equipment. I will forward some pictures of the Prefab, where it is currently manufacturing at the factory.

Our Library will consist of two Prefabs, of which each Prefab will be 18 m long. this Structure will also include an activity hall.

See youo Monday "guys"
